At Oak Tree Therapy we understand that it takes a lot of trust to refer a client for our services. We take that trust seriously and aim to provide you and your clients with the highest level of care that they deserve. Regular communication and collaboration with all team members is vital and one of our core values here at Oak Tree Therapy.
Ways to Refer a Client to Us
- Complete the Oak Tree Referral Form and submit to to us by email.
- For clients that are eligible for coverage and are being referred under the Non-Insured Health Benefits program, complete the NIHB Referral Form and submit to to us by email.
- If your organization uses your own referral form, please submit a completed copy to us by email.
Therapy Service Rates
To view a copy of our rates, please download our latest Oak Tree Therapy Rate Information Card. Please note that posted rates are subject to change.
What to Expect After the Referral
- We will contact you and/or your client after receiving and reviewing your completed Referral Form.
- We will work with your client to find the best route of action for them, and help them navigate any funding streams that are applicable.
- Once funding has been approved, the client will be scheduled for an initial intake appointment with their assigned therapist.
- Prior to the intake appointment, you will be emailed information about Oak Tree Therapy, consent documents, and clinic information, for your approval and signature.
- Next, it’s time for the initial assessment session. This will help us to gather all the important information related to the client and their concerns, begin to understand goals for future therapy sessions, and allow the client to become familiar with their therapist and our office space.

Our Commitment to Your Client
- A comprehensive intake evaluation.
- Customized treatment plan and therapy program.
- Personal strategies for their home, school, and community, as appropriate.
- A nurturing, kind therapist to lead them through the care and healing process.
- Additional and continual guidance and support for family members and caregivers.